Blog Image: Couple laying in bed together


How to Fight Fairly in a Relationship: 7 Tips for Successful Conflict Resolution

How to Fight Fairly in a Relationship: 7 Tips for Successful Conflict Resolution

•Avoid escalation at all costs• Figure out what you’re really fighting about• Communicate openly and honestly• Don’t bring up past issues• Listen to what your partner has to say • Be willing to compromise.

Dating App Fatigue: A Mental Health Perspective

Dating App Fatigue: A Mental Health Perspective

•Dating app fatigue is a real thing, and it’s not just about the dating apps themselves.• It can be tough to manage our expectations when it comes to dating, and with so many options available to us, it’s no wonder that we sometimes feel overwhelmed or exhausted by the process.• In this blog post, we’ll…

9 Tips on How to Discuss Opening Up Your Relationship With Your Partner

9 Tips on How to Discuss Opening Up Your Relationship With Your Partner

•So you and your partner have been thinking of opening up your relationship? You are in the right place.• In this blog post, we will outline some tips for having that conversation with your partner.• When it comes to relationships, there are many different dynamics that are effective. There is no set script for success…

Shame: What It Is and How It Impacts the Individual

Shame: What It Is and How It Impacts the Individual

•Shame is a powerful emotion that can have a significant impact on the individual, often leading to feelings of isolation and secrecy.• Shame is different from guilt because it tells us there is something wrong with us while guilt tells us we did something wrong.• Shame manifests itself in many ways, such as feeling like…

Mindfulness and Self Awareness: The Keys to Good Mental Health

Mindfulness and Self Awareness: The Keys to Good Mental Health

•Mental health is essential for a happy and successful life.• Mindfulness and self-awareness are key components of good mental health.• Mindfulness and self-awareness can be learned skills.• To improve mindfulness and self-awareness, pay attention to thoughts and feelings without judgment, work on getting to know yourself better, challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort…

Don’t Panic! How to Deal with Anxiety When Going Back to Public Post Covid-19 Quarantine

Don’t Panic! How to Deal with Anxiety When Going Back to Public Post Covid-19 Quarantine

•It’s normal to feel anxiety about returning to public life after a long period of quarantine. Don’t punish yourself for feeling your feelings.• Talk to somebody who can help, like a therapist or counselor. They can offer professional assistance and guidance as you work through your anxiety.• Identify Your Anxiety Triggers by thinking about what…

How to Practice Self-Awareness

How to Practice Self-Awareness

•Being self-aware is key to having successful relationships because it allows you to be mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and triggers.• You can practice self-awareness by observing yourself in different situations and taking note of your emotions, reactions, and responses.• Once you are aware of what works well for you and what doesn’t, you can…

Don’t Let an Argument Get in the Way of a Good Relationship: An Umbrella Analogy

Don’t Let an Argument Get in the Way of a Good Relationship: An Umbrella Analogy

•We’ve all been in the middle of an argument with our significant other where we just can’t seem to let go.• It feels like the argument is taking over our lives and damaging our relationship beyond repair, but it doesn’t have to be this way.• In this blog post, we will discuss how to handle…

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