What Is Online Couples Therapy? Types, treatment Methods And Cost

What Is Online Couples Therapy? Types, treatment Methods And Cost

If you are having difficulties in your relationship, there is help available. You do not have to struggle on your own. Our compassionate and experienced therapists can help you and your partner to navigate any difficulties that you may be having.

Our telehealth therapists are Pennsylvania and Florida credentialed and are here for anyone who needs help. You do not need to be on the verge of breaking up to have online couples therapy.

You can have this type of therapy at any time during your relationship. Open to every couple, our telehealth couples therapists can help you to talk through any difficulties you might be having, so you can work with your partner to move forward positively. Contact us today for a couples therapy consultation. Schedule Consultation.

What Is Online Couples Therapy?

Online couples therapy is ideal for any couple that wishes to strengthen their relationship, work on issues, and make sure they can progress harmoniously with their relationship. You have the same therapy that you would if you saw us face-to-face. However, the session will take place online. This means that you can be in the comfort of your own home while you have therapy. In some cases, it may be easier for you to talk, or simply more convenient. It also means that you don’t need to worry about running into a friend or colleague before or after your session.

Online couples therapy can help you to address any issues that you might be experiencing. Some of the most common issues include:

Infographic representing common relationship issues in couples therapy
  • Life transitions – Having a baby, changing career, or moving house can cause problems within a relationship. Times such as these may be filled with stress and anxiety. We can help you to navigate yourself through these challenging times so you can see the positives. We can also help you to deal with any future challenges that may arise.
  • Anxiety management – If you or your partner is anxious, we can help you to work as a team to lessen the anxiety. Whether the anxiety is caused by your partner, or something else, we can help you. We can also help you to deal with your own anxieties so you feel more prepared for any anxiety-provoking situation that may arise.
  • Stress management – Everyone reacts to stress differently. If you or your partner’s stress is having an impact on your relationship, we can help you to work through it. We can also help you to use healthy coping mechanisms that work now and in the future. Life can be stressful but we can help you deal with those stresses as an individual and as a couple.
  • The difference in lifestyle or personality – Many couples get together because they have a mutual attraction. However, if there is a significant difference in their personality or lifestyle, it can cause issues. The differences in lifestyle or personality don’t have to be a bad thing. They can help to keep your relationship positive and encourage both of you to explore new, unfamiliar ways of doing things. Let us help you to work through those issues so that you can find your common ground while also respecting the other person’s needs.
  • A mismatched sex drive – If one person in the relationship would like to be intimate more often than the other, it can cause frustration and loneliness. We can help you by understanding your partner’s needs while also respecting them. We can also help you to deal with any issues that could be preventing you from being intimate.
  • Loss of connection – People get together because they have a mutual connection. However, over time this connection can be difficult to prioritize with all the other life responsibilities. We can help you to get that connection back and ensure you’re less likely to lose it in the future. We will also help you to explore the connection you once had so you can keep it and work to grow and develop it.
  • Loss of intimacy – After a while, some couples don’t show as much intimacy as they did when they first got together. Intimacy is more than just sex, it includes holding hands, hugging, sharing emotions and more. We can help you to work on the loss of intimacy so that you know why it was lost and how you can both recreate connection. We can also teach you how to show your partner how to be intimate and loving in small ways rather than relying on grand gestures all the time.
  • Conflict resolution – When you’re in a relationship with another person, there is bound to be conflict from time to time. If you find it hard to deal with conflict or you struggle to resolve it, we can help you. We can explore what is causing the conflict while encouraging you to talk about how it has made you feel. We can also help you to work towards a goal so conflicts can be resolved rather than hanging over your head every day.
  • Communication difficulties – It can occasionally be difficult to communicate with your partner. Sometimes it can be hard to get your feelings and/or needs across. We can help you to do this. We can also help you to overcome any hurdles in communication ensuring you find it even easier to talk to your partner once more.

You do not need to be on the verge of breaking up to ask us to help you. You might merely want some advice so that you can work together to make your relationship stronger and healthier. If any of the above issues resonate with you, it’s likely that you need some support. Let us help you with this. We can teach you new ways of dealing with stressors, conflicts, and anything else that you might be dealing with. You are not alone.

Online couples therapy with insurance

Does Telehealth Therapy Work As Well As Regular In Person Couples Therapy?

While you might be cautious about having online therapy, it can work just as well as having regular in-person therapy. The idea of sitting at your computer and talking to someone is no longer a strange thing to do. Most of us have taken part in a video chat over the last year, making us more familiar with the process.

When it comes to online therapy, while it may be different from your regular online chats, it can help. This is because there is a real potential for you to do everything that you can in person. The only real difference is that you will not be in the same room as the telehealth therapists at Heal Your Roots Wellness. However, she will still be able to speak with you about those things that are concerning you.

Non-verbal communication may be slightly harder to read when you’re not face-to-face with someone. However, our therapists knows exactly how to help you so that you get the most from your sessions. They can also encourage you to get more from your sessions so you feel more at ease about having online therapy.

In some cases, having online therapy might be easier than in-person therapy. This is because you won’t need to travel quite so far. If you leave a busy life you can find having therapy online to be much more convenient. Online couples therapy could also be easier because you’re in a familiar environment. You might feel more relaxed at home than you would in a new place.

Please note, if you do struggle with online therapy, our therapists can help you to work through your difficulties.

Is Online Couples Therapy Covered By Insurance?

Some couples therapy can be covered by insurance under the Affordable Care Act. However, therapy for everyday relationship issues is not usually covered by insurance. This is because this type of therapy might not be considered to be a treatment for a mental health or physical health issue. At the time of writing, Heal Your Roots Wellness accepted Highmark Blue Shield plans.

If you do not have this insurance plan it does not mean that you should not consider undergoing therapy.  You can still get the help you need, and feel happier in your relationship. Click here to find out if you have out-of-network benefits. Learn more about Insurance here

How Our Online Therapy Works

Before you sign up for online therapy, you should be aware of how this type of therapy works. You should ideally have a stable internet connection so you can concentrate on your session.

During your first session, we will see you and your partner together. This is so that you can talk freely about any of the issues that are affecting you. When you have a joint therapy session, your therapist can see how well you work together and where the issues are. This helps her to get a sense of the difficulties that you are having.

Following the first session, your therapist will ask to see you both individually. These individual sessions allow you to explore the relationship and how it impacts you. Your therapist will help you to talk openly and honestly about any difficulties that you might be having. These individual sessions will also ensure Your therapist will get to know you as an individual rather than someone who is part of a couple. These individual sessions will also focus on your family dynamics and upbringing.

As soon as the individual sessions are over, you will be asked to have a joint therapy session once more. In these sessions, you might be asked to talk about the relationship difficulties you’re having. You can also work on resolving the difficulties as a team so you can work towards a happier future together.

If there is a chance that the relationship will not survive, do not worry. Your therapist can help both of you to work towards a more amicable break up. In addition to this, you will be shown how to use the skills that you have learned to ensure you’re more likely to have a harmonious relationship with any future partners.

All of this work can take place online, ensuring you receive the same therapeutic service as you would face-to-face.

Contact Us Today For An Anxiety Therapy Consultation

When you spend a lot of time with another person, difficulties are likely to arise. This is where online couples therapy can help you. You can have this type of therapy at any time during your relationship. You do not need to be on the verge of splitting up to have this type of therapy.

Open to every couple, Heal Your Roots Wellness therapists can help you to talk through any difficulties you might be having, so you can work with your partner to move forward positively. Contact us today for a couples therapy consultation.

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